The primary purpose of the Cheiron School is to provide a forum for participants to "meet the expert" during sessions in which the school secretariat prepares round table discussions, organizing small group tutorials in order to facilitate each participant's specific learning needs.
The SPring-8 staffs and lecturers will assist in structuring these tutorials to respond to relevant questions, such as how to design an experiment using a particular technique at the participant's home facilities. This class provides a good opportunity for participants who have practical, specific questions and/or would like contact with experienced scientists, including lecturers and beamline staff, related to their home facilities.
Each class will consist of 5-10 students.
The schedule of the classes is as follows:
Meet the experts #1:Sep.11 13:00-14:20,
Meet the experts #2:Sep.14 13:00-14:20
During registration, participants may choose two subjects from among 8 to 10 topics. The selected subjects correspond to the areas in which the participant seeks expertise.
In order to schedule the class, we would like to know your requests using up to four keywords (see examples below) at the on-line registration. If you are unable to find suitable subjects in the provided examples, please feel free to specify additional topics.
If you can not find the subject you want, feel free to suggest your own requests.
***** Sample*****
- Measurement of Bunch length
- Measurement of Beam Size
- Cure of Instability
- COD correction
- Insertion Device
- Front end component
- Design of x-ray BL optics
Design of soft x-ray BL optics
- X-ray monochromator
High-heat-load optics and component
- Optical metrology lab
Fabrication of silicon-crystal x-ray optical elements
- Radiation Safety (shielding)
- Interlock system of beamline
- Beamline control
- Network security for SR Facility
- Detector
--SR Experiments--
- Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction
- Powder X-ray Diffraction
- Non-crystalline X-ray Diffraction
- Compton Scattering
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering
- Surface and Interface Diffraction
- Inelastic X-ray Scattering (electronic excitations)
- X-ray imaging
- Small-angle X-ray Scattering
- High-pressure Techniques (Sample Environment)
- Time-resolved Techniques
- X-MCD(Phase-retarder for producing circularly polarized X-ray beams)
- SX-MCD(Polarization measurement in soft X-ray)
- Topography
- Medical imaging and therapy
- Hard x-ray industrial imaging
- Protein crystallography
- Fluorescence analysis and imaging
- Photoemission Spectroscopy, incl. PEEM
- Soft X-ray Spectroscopy (Atoms and Moleculars) incld. PEPICO, PIPIKO
- Auger electron spectroscopy
- Soft X-ray emission
- Soft x-ray photochemistry
- Infrared
- SR-based Nanoscience
- Industrial Applications